- In June 2019, the old pages of the a-v-m.ru were transferred and archived as this old version of the site.
Some sections of this old version of my site continue to be updated automatically.
- In November 2017, I launched a new web project physiome.ru for the Russian Physiome project.
- Somewhen in 2014–2016, my sites were transferred from the domain avmoskalenko.ru to the domain a-v-m.ru.
The domain avmoskalenko.ru no longer belongs to me since, nor have I any relation to it.
- In March 2012, it past seven years of my partnership with "CENTRE web-service", since this site (on the avmoskalenko.ru that time) has been serviced by the hosting company "CENTRE web-service" for so many years.
- In the spring of 2011, I radically changed the site’s advertising policy: I removed the advertisement of goods, replacing it with advertising for some of important people I knew.
In 2011, my personal site has turned ten.
- In January 2010, the activity for renewal and further development of the web-site was recommenced. In particular, two new Sections was launced:
Furthermore, the development of the German version of the web-site was started.
The renovation goes on...
- In 25th of March 2009, there was five-year anniversary of the domain name avmoskalenko.ru, and I have used the hosting in CENTRE web-service for five years.
- In April 2006, I eventually launced the English version of
"Cybernetic and Biophysical Cardiology".
Wellcome to this section of my personal web-site!
You will find the most colorful results of our investigations there.
At present, you can find two beautiful "flower garden" that I am having cultivated since January 2006:
1.my 1-st flower-bed with
classic flowers after well-known selectionists FitzHue & Nagumo.
2.my 1-st flower-bed with
highly amusing flowers after peculiar landscape-gardeners Aliev & Panfilov.
- A lot of renovations were made in Russian version of the site during 2005.
- In May,2005, I eventually get to
my web-portfolio.
- The second year of the a-v-m.RU domain name is started on 25 of May 2005.
And the year is also the second year of my use of CENTRE web-service.
When my previous paid term was becoming finished, I looked for another, less expanvive, web-service.
But at last I decided to stay at CENTRE for next term.
I decided that time-proved reliability and goodwill of such god business partner as CENTRE are worth it.
I recommend it.
- Some renovations were made in Russian version of the site during 2004.
- A couple of my personal photo-albums
was published in Desember, 2004.
- In November-Desember, 2004, some new examples of letters were added to
AVM's English Review.
- The Section Kherson is my native town was launced
on 23 of June, 2004.
(In Russian only)
- On 25 of May, 2004, The Section AVM's
English Review was restored.
- On 10 of April 2004, My Personal WEB-Site, which we are visiting, was restored after one unpleasant story.
The details of this story are available in Russian version of the site.
News Archive
In February 2016, somebody almost died again, but it was this time namely me myself.
- May 29, 2013 Valery Kravchenko died at the 74th year of life; he was journalist, writer, poet, as well as my friend and mentor. Some details are here in my LJ-blog.
- In 2012, my idea of starting the club of manufacturers of souvenir products from Pushchino took its further development. It is still impossible to name it business in any way; however, as a hobby aimed at creating a positive image of the science city Pushchino, it give completely the best fit. Some details are here.
- On November 5, 2011, at the 53rd year, prof. A.Yu. Loskutov perished; he was my friend and mentor. Some details are here in my LJ-blog.
- From October 1 to December 1, 2011, I worked at Humboldt University of Berlin as a consultant. Details are here.
- In 2011, my first major work for an English-language publication took place, inviting me to write a chapter for a book. Details are here.
- In July 2010, I visited Berlin and Humboldt University of Berlin. Details are here.
- Since 1st of February 2010, I have been worked in IMPB RAS.
- In 2009, two books published with my participation as author. Details are available here.
- In 2008, I started my self-sufficient regular studying German.
I spent July 2005 in my first travel abroad. I was invited to present our poster
A New Technique of ECG Analysis
and its Application to Evaluation of Disorders During Ventricular Tachycardia on the
ECMTB05 which took place in Dresden, one of the most beautiful cities
of Europe.
You can find some details of this here (in Russian only).
- In March 2005, I successfully passed the certification test for workers of ITEB RAS.
You can find some details of this here (in Russian only).
- It is 51.
Personal News Archive
